JLBN - Remote MySQL through PHPMyAdmin on WAMP
Remote MySQL through PHPMyAdmin on WAMP


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Step 1

Open file phpmyadmin.conf in folder C:\wamp\alias and find these lines below.

Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Allow from

BN 11.02.2005

Step 2

Then edit to make a change as follows.

Order Allow,Deny
Allow from all

JL 12.17.2006

Step 3

Now you can remote access your MySQL through phpMyAdmin if you've already setup VirtualHosts with similar script below; please, check our Virtual Hosts guide for more detail.

ServerName pma.your-domain.com
ServerAlias pma
DocumentRoot "C:/wamp/apps/phpmyadmin3.1.3.1"

And access worldwide with your subdomain as follows


Or access locally with your local domain as follows


BN 11.02.2006


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