JLBN - ASP.net on WAMP

          JLBN                    Install setup ASP.net on WAMP instruction guide

Step 21

In this step, we will setup all extensions for ASP.net (asp21.jpg).

# Set asp.net extensions
AddHandler asp.net asp asax ascx ashx asmx aspx axd config cs csproj licx rem resources resx soap vb vbproj vsdisco webinfo

Step 22

In module mod_aspdotnet, we must have some certain settings for ASP.net to work and the first thing is to mount ASP.net (asp22.jpg).

# Mount the asp.net /ASP application
AspNetMount /ASP "C:/wamp/www/ASP"

Step 23

After mounting it, we need to map all requests to this folder (asp23.jpg).

# Map all requests for /ASP to the application files
Alias /ASP "C:/wamp/www/ASP"

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