Perl CGI on WAMP

Perl is a dynamic programming language created by Larry Wall and first released in 1987. Perl borrows features from a variety of other languages including C, shell scripting (sh), AWK, sed and Lisp. Perl was widely adopted because it provides powerful text processing facilities without arbitrary data length limits, as were present in many Unix tools at the time

In this instruction guide for WAMP, we will show you how to install and setup Perl for WAMPSERVER in Windows Server 2008. Fortunately, the procedure to install Perl is about the same in Windows Vista and XP, so you can use this guide to setup Perl in either Operating System

Step 1

First thing first, grab a copy of Perl from our Downloads Menu (perl1.jpg)

Step 2

Right click on Perl compress file and select "Extract all..." (perl2.jpg)

When you ready, click here to go to the next page

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