JLBN - Virtual Hosts on WAMP


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Install & Setup Virtual Host Guide for WAMP

There are too many ways to setup Virtual Hosts for both local and global access, so here, in this setup Virtual Host guide for WAMP, we only show the most basic method to get you going ;-)

Assume you have 3 units: computer1, computer2, laptop3, and wamp is installed on computer1 that has LAN IP and Web IP 123.345.567.789. For your real LAN IP, use DOS prompt with command "ipconfig" and for your real Web IP, check with this site http://whereismyip.com

In this setup Virtual Host guide for WAMP, we will setup 1 localhost, 1 local domain (domain), 2 local subdomains (sub1 and sub2), 1 domain (domain.com), and 2 subdomains (sub1.domain.com and sub2.domain.com)

Even you don't have real domain, you can still follow this guide to the section for setting up Virtual Host without domain ;-) Also, if you don't like to setup subdomains, you can skip them or if you have more than one domain, you can add or substitute subdomains with other domains. In additions, if you like to host for some friends, you can do so by replace sub1, sub2 with friend1, buddy2 ;-)

Remember, the domain is a real name that you have to buy and you can not buy the domain someone already bought while the local domain is a fake name which you can make up any name that you like; for example, you can not buy the domain microsoft.com but you can make up a local domain microsoft and use it within your LAN without any problem

No matter it's LAN or worldwide, to access from different computers, check Setup DNS and Setup LAN & Worldwide Access guides for more informations


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