JLBN - Virtual Hosts on WAMP


Free Guides, Themes, Photo, Games, Movies

Setup Virtual Hosts

To demonstrate, we use our domain JLBN.net and two subdomains Guides and Downloads; the codes in httpd-vhosts.conf are as follows:

NameVirtualHost *:80

<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName www.jlbn.net
ServerAlias jlbn.net jlbn
DocumentRoot C:/wamp/www/jlbn
ErrorLog "C:/wamp/www/jlbn/logs/jlbn_error.log"
CustomLog "C:/wamp/www/jlbn/logs/jlbn_access.log" common

<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName guides.jlbn.net
ServerAlias guides
DocumentRoot C:/wamp/www/guides
ErrorLog "C:/wamp/www/guides/logs/guides_error.log"
CustomLog "C:/wamp/www/guides/logs/guides_access.log" common

<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName downloads.jlbn.net
ServerAlias downloads
DocumentRoot C:/wamp/www/downloads
ErrorLog "C:/wamp/www/downloads/logs/downloads_error.log"
CustomLog "C:/wamp/www/downloads/logs/downloads_access.log" common

<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName localhost
DocumentRoot C:/wamp/www
ErrorLog "C:/wamp/www/logs/localhost_error.log"
CustomLog "C:/wamp/www/logs/localhost_access.log" common


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